Which Came First? The Chicken Or The GOLDEN Egg?

It’s finally spring at Foundry Lofts and we are celebrating the warm weather, iced coffee and increased time spent in the backyard. We kicked off April with a Golden Egg Hunt challenge.

Seventy-two, extra-large golden eggs were meticulously hidden all over the building by the Foundry team. Each egg was numbered, and residents were encouraged to find as many as possible. Once all eggs were accounted for, our team randomly selected a winning egg.

Since we have a lot of coffee lovers living at Foundry Lofts, we decided to prize the winning resident with a dream egg basket featuring a French press coffee maker and an assortment of Starbucks ground coffee. The challenge started at 9am and all the eggs were found in just a little over an hour. The excitement and frenzy was contagious and the Foundry team loved getting to watch everyone search anywhere they could to try to secure the winning egg.

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